The Obstacle Course is now open!

Bible Study Freebies

Hey, ! Right now, you may be normally waking up to a day filled to the brim with every kind of distraction or stress imaginable. Because you might not have a set of habits in place to continually calm your heart, connect you with your Creator, and fortify your faith, you are probably struggling to get through the day with ANY of the fruit of the Spirit still intact. {i.e. love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, & self-control}...

Sound familiar?

But what if you were totally inspired to open your Bible instead of your smartphone?

What if you replaced part of your mindless Netflix binging with something infinitely more precious, fear-diminishing, and life-giving?

Imagine joyfully tending to your daily duties, content in Christ and having found your identity in Him alone.

Interruptions will still come. But you (and God) will deal with them.


We hope you enjoy these sneak peeks! As a team, we feel very strongly about inspiring other women (and reminding ourselves, too) to spend more time in God's Word. {If you want more lessons, plus helpful worksheets, and ALL the gorgeous graphics, we'd love to see you as a student in The Obstacle Course!}

In the meantime, sign up below for the freebies!

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